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To help us deal more efficiently with your enquiry please take a minute to fill out the enquiry form below. We will contact you within 24 hours of receiving your enquiry. Alternatively please give us a call on 0800 6 52 51 50 during office hours. Before making a booking please also read the Terms and Conditions. Fields marked * are required. Please Note: It is now law that you have to order and pay for your drinks before you begin your journey - purchase your refreshments securely online now! (we will have to charge a £30 corking fee by law if you bring your own drinks).
contact name*:  
telephone number:  
booking address:  
email address*:  
the date you require:  
pick-up/start time:  
estimated finish time:  
type of service required:  
vehicle required:  
number in your party:  
first collection location:  
location of your venue:  

journey details:  
other information: 

A Touch of Class Contact Details.
Telephone 0800 6 52 51 50 Email
Head Office: Unit GC 115, Wembley Commercial Centre, East Lane, HA9 7XX.
VOSA Operator Licence No.: PK1101986